
Sunday, March 31 Posted by الساهر



Salmon name for several varieties of fish live in the Atlantic and Pacific oceans and large lakes. There are different types of salmon, salmon belong to the same family as trout. Most types of salmon live in salt water, or migrate between rivers and seas. The salmon of the most important kinds of fish that contain their bodies on the omega-3 oils, which is considered a cure for many diseases, and is extracted from salmon hormone calcitonin.

Salmon is a family of fish radial fins, which are the only species in which are placed in the rank of salmonids. Includes salmon and trout and Alsalvlinos and white freshwater fish and Jeraalenja. The Pacific salmon and trout sex Slmo is who gave the platoon and ranking their names.

Featuring salmonids look relatively primitive teleost fish with its pelvic fins are on the last afternoon and fatty fin found in the back of the back. It's a slim fish with scales circular complex and tails. Mouths contain a single row of sharp teeth. Although the smaller species with a length of 13 cm s (5.1 inches) just as great fish, mostly be much longer and may reach the length of the largest and one 2 m s (6.6 ft).

Salmonids lay their eggs in fresh water but spend most of her life in the sea in many cases, and then return to the rivers to breed only. And called the life cycle of this migration. The predators that feed on marine crustaceans, insects and smaller fish.


Current salmonids originated from three strains: a white fish (Kourgonina) and Jeraaling (Themalena) Alsalvenos and trout and salmon (Smonina). And share the three strains in one set of attributes derived which shows a unit advances.

Has appeared Alslamunyat for the first time in the fossil record in the middle of the Eocene era with fossilized wood floating Aaoslamo and which were described for the first time fossils found at Timber Creek floating center of the province of British Columbia. Share this sex in the attributes found in Asalmonina and whitefish and strains Jeraalnj. And therefore the timber floating Aaoslamo is the old salmon, which represents an important stage in the evolution of the salmon.

There is a gap appear in the fossil record Smonin after timber floating Aaoslamo until the late Miocene nearly seven million years ago (Mya) when fossils appeared something like trout in the state of Idaho, in freely Clarkiya bottoms. The look of many of these species Onkornques - Gender current Pacific salmon and some trout. The existence of these types away inside beach has demonstrated that Onkornques did not exist only in banks Pacific before the start of Pliocene epoch (from 5 to 6 Mia almost), also proved that the rainbow trout and incest and strains Pacific salmon were different before the start of the times Pliocene. Consequently separation must be between Onkornques and Salmo (Atlantic salmon) has occurred long before the Pliocene epoch. The proposals went away to the beginning of the Miocene (about 20 Mya).

Along subfamily Aazoxaformz (fish with spears and fish-related) and Ozimiraformz (such as smelt) and Orzintinaformz, the Asalmonaformz include Rank upper Brocakanthoptirgi.
Divided Asalmonida (and Asalmonaformz) into three factions under about ten races:
Sort Asalmonaformz

Family: Salmonida
Subfamily: Kourgonina
Kourgonas - white fish (70 species)
Brusobayoum - round whitefish (six species)
Stinodas - Ankono (one species)
Subfamily: Themalena
Themalos - fish Graalnj (12 species)
Subfamily: Smonina
Pracimisetx - Linux fish (three species)
Huzhou (five factions)
Onkurenkos - Pacific salmon and trout (14 species)
Salmo - Atlantic salmon and trout (29 species)
Salvenos - char and trout (such as trout existing schedules and existing trout lakes) (49 species)
Salvtemus (one species)  .


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