Forest Protection

Sunday, March 31 Posted by الساهر
Forest Protection

Forest Protection

Why maintain the trees???
When we watch channels nature or when we travel in the aircraft to see the forest, which extends over vast areas, to the point that comes to mind that there is a stockpile of enough human need trees to infinity ... This thinking is true in the absence of human ...
Did you know that the print number one newspaper known tree may require 75000 to print number for one day ... So you can imagine the number of trees used over the week and the rest of other newspapers also ...

All what we use comes from the leaves of trees ... There was a belief among people that all the trees that are used in the securities industry are trees planted up to the industry and re-planting instead immediately cut ... But the truth is that ...

Canada, which provides most of the papers print newspapers around the world cut 100,000 hectares of forest than re-planting ... In a country like the United States of America is lost 4,000 square meters of forest every second ... If that is the case, her mouth in those countries is the case in the Arab countries???

But we must not lose sight of the fact that even though the re-afforestation Mileage it is impossible to restore native forests that were ... Because by felling forests, we are destroying the system of life that existed, bird nests and animal shelters and short plant environment ... All this does not can Nstaidh with planting new trees where felled trees ... The phenomenon of global warming, which increases year after year, which is cutting the world's most important forests in increased, will not allow the trees to small growth and transformation into a giant forest ...

We can not blame our need for papers to allow ourselves to contribute to cutting down all those trees ... Nor can we blame the industries alone in consumption ... Because the main reason for the deterioration of the situation is wasteful use of paper at home and work, which makes us as individuals accountable to each tree cut ... Because more than 50% of the materials we consume and Throw be made of the leaves ... Think a little bit and remember, from the printing paper books, notebooks, envelopes, papers gifts, bills payments, messages ......

Did you know that we need 17 huge tree to make one ton of paper, and everyone reads the newspapers used at least a tree in every 10 weeks ...

And also the greatest danger from the paper manufacturing process (is it the main cause of loss of green cover on Mother Earth) is in the chemicals used in the manufacturing process leaves or refining ... Where half of toxic substances in the water comes from the industry, it is a process requiring several materials until we get the white papers that we use ...

After all, we'll start thinking about what is the ability of one man in front of what is happening around the world ... But the fact that if he took every person on this earth issue seriously and began following a few simple changes that have a significant impact on the entire earth, we will provide a lot of pollution and also a large number of trees that will place the mother of many birds and other animals ...

There are some simple actions we can take in our daily lives:

First - and foremost you have to grow four trees in each month to compensate for what it consumes from the leaves:
You can do this by yourself or collective flying in any country where, and places to go scorched forests or barren places free of trees and assist in the planting of additional trees in the spring or autumn seasons ... These trips are usually a great beauty, and we have a special experience, where he lives a man's home market since the start of the estate planning trips afforestation per people interested We earth and we planted trees in several places ... It is the views of the people who participated with us in this campaign can learn splendor that helps the Rights of Mother Earth in the restoration of her lungs ... The images may be more eloquent than any words ...

This workshop was the last hope (but not last) carried out by a man's home and estate market in the month of March in a wooded area burned. Photos

Second - if you want to leave papers to record observations near the phone or to write what you need from the market before going and you do not use the new leaves:
Most of us has a lot of ads papers or papers written on it from one side and no longer need it, you can simply telling these papers, the way that you want and use it to write notes that you need ... This way and saved yourself the price of the new securities, and to Mother Earth a lot of trees ...

Third - Put near the box printing machine have:
Do not need to aim each sheet printing event where some of the errors or no longer needed ... But placed in the appropriate box for papers that you can re-use and printing on the second side ... Or until you can cut those sheets as you want and use Notes chips, or a combination thereof with each to be used as a small book ... Important securities have been used fully ...
If you're a fan of reading and want to print some articles on the papers, do not forget that you are printing on both sides of the page ... This way will save yourself twice the number of papers that you use and also will not be obliged to carry large amounts of paperwork with you ...

IV - Use of electronic alternative solution for securities, if possible:
The Internet has become in every home these days, so if you want to send a message or greeting card to someone, it is better to send him in the form of an E-Card via the Internet, they are the fastest and the most beautiful and most importantly provide a lot of trees on Mother Earth ...
If you have to use paper Reviews cards, try to use some of the cards you have received if possible ...

V. - re-use of the Fund and leaves gifts:
When you receive any gift you do not need to get rid of the Fund or the surrounding leaves, you can simply save it to a time when you need to such things and re-used ... In this way Strih land of many chemicals used for refining securities ... Be your gift of two at the same time: one to the one you love and the second to mother earth that love you ...

VI - do not use incest in the kitchen:
Traditionally that we have a roll of incest in every kitchen to remove water stains or for drying our hands ... But the best is to use a piece of cloth that you can manufacture by hand of some clothing worn ... In this way will provide a lot of expense to yourself and will provide a lot of known universe ...

VII - If you have children use cloth diapers:
The use of plastic or paper diapers designed for use once cause a lot of damage for the child and mother earth ... And because there are a lot of toxic substances that are placed in the nappy to prevent exit smells him or to absorb fluids more, but because these materials are in contact with the skin child directly it caused him a lot of skin diseases, and at the same time, one child produced from diapers nearly 1350 kg from birth until the age of two and a half, and all those kilos will form a very large burden on the planet ... As well as being cut nearly a billion trees every year for the manufacture of diapers intended for use once ...
When using diapers canvas cotton Vstdmn first no chemicals touching the body of your child, and also will provide on the ground all those trees and lots of industrial materials that will go to refining diapers used as well as an unforgettable expense which will be provided by not buying diapers anymore ...

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