The olive tree in the holy land

Thursday, October 10 Posted by الساهر 0 comments

The olive tree in the holy land

The olive tree is one of the main crops in holy land and the more than ten million trees planted in an area of ​​over 900 thousand acres constitute 50% of the cultivated area and occupies most of the mountainous areas are the tree most prevalent compared with fruit trees where other constitute an area of ​​more than 80% of the area of ​​fruit trees.

The olive tree is one of the seven kinds of fruit which was blessed this sacred country.

He says, "Stokes of the blessed olive tree neither East nor West" any No. 35 from Surat light.

The home of the olive tree
Differed botanists and agriculture around the original home of the olive tree, where some believe that the home of the olive tree is the countries of East Asia also famous by the Mediterranean countries and our country is one of those countries that have planted olive since time immemorial.

Also believed to be the home of Olive education is Palestine, known since ancient times and it spread to Egypt, Greece and Italy and from these countries to the rest of the Mediterranean. Jerusalem as a city was known as olive Mecca known in dates and Damascus fig City.

Olive cultivation arrived in Palestine to a climax in terms of development and methods that are used in horticulture where taller Rome and Greece and the countries of North Africa by following these methods.

The importance enjoyed by the olive tree does not come from a vacuum Fterkib and components of olive oil gave the great importance it contains fatty acids, unsaturated It is very necessary where she works these acids to reduce high cholesterol in the blood as it contains vitamins especially known antioxidants, as well as Some vehicles such as urinary phenol all these vehicles and with a high percentage of olive oil in a challenge of developing high cholesterol in other words, reduce hardening of the arteries and thus reduce heart disease.

The lab tests proved that the percentage of Palestinian olive oil containment on Alphenullac most in the world, and this has been demonstrated in laboratory experiments.

Spreads in the Palestinian territories, a large number of olive varieties, that have been Astafaaha and improved over thousands of years, to accommodate each class the purpose of cultivation; Some implants in order to extract oil; while other types are grown for pickling industry and numerous varieties of table olives. There are dual-purpose varieties; can get such a high percentage of oil, in addition to its size and flavor that fits the table olive industry.

Children's Face Painting Designs

Sunday, April 28 Posted by الساهر 0 comments
Children's Face Painting Designs
Confronting spraying designs are decent writer and statesman general these life. It is not exclusive an process for adults but also for girlish children. You can have a zealous quantify with your friends and additional parentage members by doing present trade. If you require to acquire play trade, you should preparation oft and spell you're at it, you should practice on designs that everyone else likes, especially you and your mortal.

Quarreling and quizzical is indifferent among children. If you inform your tike to do tackling picture designs which are not that favourite, new children may tease him or her. So to refrain this environment, you feature to search on the most requested and most hot designs for children confronting trade.

It would purchase receive and wide investigate to screw the distinguishable designs that you can use for surface craft among children. But that was age ago. Now, you instrument just identify the keywords that you impoverishment to search and you'll get fast results. For instance, you write 'children's face picture designs'. After several seconds, the results instrument be displayed and you faculty simply select a instruction that instrument counselling you to a confident website that dabbles with the designs you impoverishment. By researching online, you instrument be competent to feat out the fashionable designs amongst children and not exclusive that; you can also experience designs that fortunate because you don't hit to go finished large investigate upright to feat out virtually the divergent designs that are obtainable. For less girls, you can do designs equivalent butterfly, princess, phantasy, faerie, coney leporid, moslem bug, flowers, rainbow, witch, and cat. For emotional boys, you can do a spider design, fiend, tribal, robot, skull, plunderer, reptile, cat, bat, and younker dog.

Those are fair both of the designs that you can use. It may be cruel at freshman because children can't space accurately. It would greatly aid if you can get a duplicate of the designing online. You see, trying to envisage what the pattern would perception like is insensitive for children. But if they person a remark or component, they instrument surely be healthy to get the elaborated features of the design.

There are some websites that figure liberal downloads of the pictures of the designs and there are also those that charge a undersize fee. Oftentimes, you can get the good pictures and designs on freelance websites kinda than the uncommitted sites. But if you try to place the liberal sites, you might be fit to exploit a designing that your individual gift suchlike. It would also be optimal if you alter easily so be prompt with added sightly and eye transmittable designs. But if you're upright play out, you can modify honours in the honours ten most requested designs. If your nestling can't coat the figure unaccompanied, you can amend him or her. As parents, you should also practice encounter picture because you can't maybe thatch your human something that you don't experience yet.


Sunday, March 31 Posted by الساهر 0 comments



Salmon name for several varieties of fish live in the Atlantic and Pacific oceans and large lakes. There are different types of salmon, salmon belong to the same family as trout. Most types of salmon live in salt water, or migrate between rivers and seas. The salmon of the most important kinds of fish that contain their bodies on the omega-3 oils, which is considered a cure for many diseases, and is extracted from salmon hormone calcitonin.

Salmon is a family of fish radial fins, which are the only species in which are placed in the rank of salmonids. Includes salmon and trout and Alsalvlinos and white freshwater fish and Jeraalenja. The Pacific salmon and trout sex Slmo is who gave the platoon and ranking their names.

Featuring salmonids look relatively primitive teleost fish with its pelvic fins are on the last afternoon and fatty fin found in the back of the back. It's a slim fish with scales circular complex and tails. Mouths contain a single row of sharp teeth. Although the smaller species with a length of 13 cm s (5.1 inches) just as great fish, mostly be much longer and may reach the length of the largest and one 2 m s (6.6 ft).

Salmonids lay their eggs in fresh water but spend most of her life in the sea in many cases, and then return to the rivers to breed only. And called the life cycle of this migration. The predators that feed on marine crustaceans, insects and smaller fish.


Current salmonids originated from three strains: a white fish (Kourgonina) and Jeraaling (Themalena) Alsalvenos and trout and salmon (Smonina). And share the three strains in one set of attributes derived which shows a unit advances.

Has appeared Alslamunyat for the first time in the fossil record in the middle of the Eocene era with fossilized wood floating Aaoslamo and which were described for the first time fossils found at Timber Creek floating center of the province of British Columbia. Share this sex in the attributes found in Asalmonina and whitefish and strains Jeraalnj. And therefore the timber floating Aaoslamo is the old salmon, which represents an important stage in the evolution of the salmon.

There is a gap appear in the fossil record Smonin after timber floating Aaoslamo until the late Miocene nearly seven million years ago (Mya) when fossils appeared something like trout in the state of Idaho, in freely Clarkiya bottoms. The look of many of these species Onkornques - Gender current Pacific salmon and some trout. The existence of these types away inside beach has demonstrated that Onkornques did not exist only in banks Pacific before the start of Pliocene epoch (from 5 to 6 Mia almost), also proved that the rainbow trout and incest and strains Pacific salmon were different before the start of the times Pliocene. Consequently separation must be between Onkornques and Salmo (Atlantic salmon) has occurred long before the Pliocene epoch. The proposals went away to the beginning of the Miocene (about 20 Mya).

Along subfamily Aazoxaformz (fish with spears and fish-related) and Ozimiraformz (such as smelt) and Orzintinaformz, the Asalmonaformz include Rank upper Brocakanthoptirgi.
Divided Asalmonida (and Asalmonaformz) into three factions under about ten races:
Sort Asalmonaformz

Family: Salmonida
Subfamily: Kourgonina
Kourgonas - white fish (70 species)
Brusobayoum - round whitefish (six species)
Stinodas - Ankono (one species)
Subfamily: Themalena
Themalos - fish Graalnj (12 species)
Subfamily: Smonina
Pracimisetx - Linux fish (three species)
Huzhou (five factions)
Onkurenkos - Pacific salmon and trout (14 species)
Salmo - Atlantic salmon and trout (29 species)
Salvenos - char and trout (such as trout existing schedules and existing trout lakes) (49 species)
Salvtemus (one species)  .


What volcanoes ?

Posted by الساهر 0 comments



 What volcanoes ?

The volcanoes of the unique natural phenomena that drew the attention of the man since ancient times and they play a great role in the geological processes that affect the evolution of the earth's crust and posed. This is because most of the affected parts of the earth's crust impulsivity and underwent operations in composition to the contribution of operations impulsivity.According to a study volcanoes to identify the centers of earthquakes and study volcanoes branch of geology, which became freestanding known as volcanoes. The volcanoes associated metals and ores are very important economically.


Definition the volcano:

The volcano is that place, who graduated or emits materials warm Alziria with fumes and gases accompanying the depth of the earth's crust and occurs through nozzles or cracks. And accumulate magma or glides by type to form a different land forms, including conical hills or high volcanic mountains.

Penalty volcanoes:

If you look at the form you'll find that it consists of:

1 - conical Mount:

Composed of rocky debris or hardened lava. It volcanic material thrown from the crater and was wholly or partly in the molten state.

2 - nozzle: It is almost round in shape cavity at the top of the cone, the wider ranges from a few thousand meters. And derive from the gas nozzle at intervals and stone blocks and mortar and lava and molten materials (LAVA) volcano may have more than one nozzle secondary to the main crater at the top as you can see in the figure:

3 - chimney or rod: a channel that extends from the bottom of the crater to the bottom where relate oven magma in underground. And hurtling through volcanic material to the nozzle. Known sometimes neck volcano.

And next to the main chimney, the volcano may be several chimneys related secondary Balfohat.

Types of volcanic material:

Comes out of volcanoes while eruption rocky debris solid and liquid materials.

1 - rock debris:

Emerges as a result of volcanic eruptions rocky debris into various types and sizes usually in the first period of volcanic eruptions. And rock debris derived from the rigid crust extracted from the walls of the neck as a result of payment of lava and gaseous materials emanating from the magma force and violence and composed rock debris of materials vary in size rock masses, shells and pebbles, sand and volcanic dust.

2 - GAS:

He graduated from volcanoes during its gas water vapor, which pops up in great quantities configured to huge clouds mixed with dust and other gases. And condense these vapors causing heavy rain falling in the vicinity of the volcano. And accompanied by explosions and rainfall of electric lights arise from friction volcanic ash particles to each other and as a result of air turbulence, and except for water vapor severe heat, multiple volcano spews gas mainly hydrogen and chlorine, sulfur, nitrogen, carbon, and oxygen.

3 - lava:

Are liquid
throw it blocks volcanoes, and has a temperature of between 1000 m and 1200 m. Lava flows from the crater, as bursting through the cracks and fractures in the volcanic cone aspects, those fractures created by the explosions and blocks magma pressure, and stop nature of lava and appearance on the chemical composition of magma blocks which emits They are of two types:

A - LAVA light-colored light:

This is characterized by bone viscosity, and thus slow the flow and like lava that emanated from the volcano Bailey (Islands Almrtnik in the Caribbean) in 1902 was a dense, sticky to the point that it overwhelmed the move, and took accumulate and rise consisting of Tower above the crater reached a height of about 300 m , and soon after that break and crash as a result of the explosions caused by the exit gases.

B - LAVA heavy dark:

It LAVA basaltic, and the advantage of being liquid and moving to a large degree, and flows in the form of streams on the slopes of the volcano, and when it emerges lava through fractures great extension they are spread out over large areas composed of plateaus spacious, like the Ethiopian highlands and the Deccan Plateau, India and the Golan Colombia North America.

Forms volcanoes:

1 - rock debris volcanoes:

The shape of volcanic cone in different materials from which they are composed. If the cone is made up entirely of rock debris, we found high steep for the area occupied by the base. Here we find the gradient of 30 degrees was sometimes up to 40 degrees Celsius and These forms usually arise as a result of volcanic eruptions. The Islands of Indonesia.

2 - Plateau volcanoes:

And arise as a result of exit and accumulation of lava on the main nozzle and low-rise look for large area occupied by the rules. And looks peaks like Bhiab convex  hence renamed volcanoes plateau has originated cones of flow Mushorat lava severe heat and great liquidity, which spread over large areas and are these volcanoes Plateau best representation in the volcanoes of the Hawaiian islands
Like a volcano Monalo with a height of 4100 m and it seems like a spacious dome descend steeper easy Hina.

3 - Layering volcanoes:

Layering is a common type volcanoes exist, which is in the shape ex-center types and consist Mkhrotadtha of rock debris material and lava flows directed by the volcano while restless eruption.

And be Alloafez that comes out of the volcano during eruptions successive layers on top of one another, and section consisting of coarse material and another section of the materials minutes, and between this and that interfere in the form of lava thin strips. From this arises a kind of stratigraphy in the installation of the cone and this figure represents the Mayon volcano more Philippines active volcanoes in the present time.

Geographical distribution of volcanoes:

Spread over long ranges volcanoes on Earth shown:

1 - range that surrounds coasts Pacific, which is sometimes known as Ring of Fire, it runs on the eastern shores of the ocean above the heights of the Andes to Central America and Mexico, and above the heights west of North America to the Aleutian Islands and then to the coast of East Asia to the islands of Japan, the Philippines and then to Islands of Indonesia and New Zealand.

2 - There are a lot of volcanoes in the Pacific Ocean itself and some huge great grew up in the hall and appeared towering above the water level. And volcanoes of the Hawaiian Islands, which is based bases in the ocean at a depth of about 5,000 m, and rises above the surface of the water more than 4,000 m, bringing the total height from the bottom of the ocean to the peaks of about 9,000 m

3 - Southern Europe on the Mediterranean seafront and its adjacent islands. The most famous active volcanoes here Vesuvius near Naples, Italy, and Aetna islands of Sicily and Astro Mpule (beacon Mediterranean) in the Lipari Islands.

4 - Heights West Asia and months volcanoes Ararat and Alauzenz.

5 - range east of Africa and months Kilimanjaro Brkinh.

Effects of volcanoes:

1 - in the formation of the Earth's surface:

We can thus advances to discern the effects of volcanoes in the formation of the Earth's surface they arise majestic mountains and plateaus spacious. When subsided arise in their pores Lakes cavities in the rain bodies.

2 - in human activity:

Strange that man was playing the housing next to volcanoes in order to be safe from the dangers, as we find live near them, and even on the slopes. Fberkan Vesuvius is surrounded by villages and towns and covered with gardens and fruit groves and vineyards and all spread over aspects even near the top. Agriculture is also on the slopes of a volcano (twelve) on the island of Sicily to a height of 1200 m in the fertile soil is composed of black basalt flow over the area during historical times.

These volcanoes unforgiving as arise from time to time destroying one village or another can rest along the main road on the lower slopes of the volcano twelve and at the end of flowing lava flows which eternal evidence has permanent danger posed to the region.

The famous island of Java Berakinh rebellious and active volcanoes than actually all volcanoes world in the amount of spills and Alloafez that emerged of them since 1500 AD, however, we find the island filled populated, they are denser parts of the world agricultural population for an area inhabited by about 75 million people and is due as we have said to fertility volcanic soil, has been established by the Department of volcanoes and function predict volcanic eruptions and warn people before volcanic eruptions which reduces the risk of occurrence.  

What is the earthquake ?

Posted by الساهر 0 comments

What is the earthquake  ?

It is a earthquakes affect the Earth's crust and spread in the form of waves through the vast expanses of it. And experiencing the earth's crust is always of seismic movements due to the instability of its interior, but these jerks sustainable usually so weak that we do not feel it, and Thsha only monitoring devices (Asmujrav).

The study earthquakes undoubtedly important for geographical because it directly related to human life and activity on earth has registered a lot of devastating earthquakes during the era of the historical and mentioned that thousands also demonstrated geological studies that the earth's crust was suffering always during the long life of the seismic, and studies indicate continued occur in the future.

Causes of the earthquake: earthquakes arise due to two reasons:

1 - a cracked and broken in the Earth's crust because of a balance disorder. And upset the balance of the earth's crust as a result of the sweep enormous amounts of material by erosion village borne and deposition in the seas and oceans.
2 - molten rock material moves through the earth's crust or below.

Types of earthquakes

Earthquakes can be divided into types according to the forces caused by:

1 - volcanic earthquakes:

And associated occurrence volcanic activity, and the rush of rock material molten from underground to the surface, for example, accompanies eruption volcanoes of the Hawaiian islands of earthquakes very violence and force, and when volcano erupted Krakata In (Indonesia) Last lot of destruction and sabotage, has led outburst to make orgasms sparked violent sea water in the form of huge tidal waves struck on the plains in the nearby islands Vogrguetha, and destroyed homes and left many residents homeless, and caused heavy losses to the population of the population of Sumatra and Java and other islands nearby.

However, the most seismic tremors that occur because of volcanic activity are in fact did not raise domestic shocks in large areas, and many of the volcanic eruptions are accompanied by weak shocks.

2 - earthquakes Tknonah:

He spoke in the areas hit by fractures and are subject to cracking, and this type is common frequent. It is particularly concentrated in the surface crust at depths of up to 70 km.

3 - earthquakes Blutunah (relative to Pluto, the god of the earth when the Greeks)

And having its immemorial depth of the earth. Recorded earthquakes at a depth of 800 km in East Asia.

This occurs latter two types - tectonic and Alblutuna - in particular as a result of movements in the earth's crust and below. There is a lot of evidence and convincing evidence suggests that most major earthquakes occur due to sudden violent pressure in the Earth's crust, resulting in cracks and layers along the transmission lines depressions were already old.

In California there is scope refractive stretches nearly a thousand kilometers has occurred in their respective fields movement sudden in 1906 caused cataclysmic latest losses Vedjh, and movement was horizontal did not show them the appearance edges refractive but caused Budge roads and fences farms and gardens from their original positions to other sites along the fracture line, and the amount of horizontal budge about six meters.

The epicenter of the internal status of the earthquake:

Not be strong quake and one on the earth's surface, which peaked at a point on the earth's surface is called the center surface and the bottom in the vertical direction lies another point is the point of generating and called the center interior of the earthquake, and it arises vibrations ripple up in a vertical orientation to the epicenter, also spread other in different directions to all parts of the body of the Earth.

The effects of earthquakes:

Seismic vary in the degree of strength, the mismatch that occurs weak and hardly felt by a violent and destructive that causes big losses in built-up areas. The effects can be summarized in the following points:

1 - may cause moved out and moving on to parts of the earth's crust in the horizontal and vertical directions.
2 - can raise or lower parts of the sea floor, as happened in Bay Sajami Japan in 1923 rose Odzle him (about 250 m) and decreased other parts (about 400 m).
3 - You can increase or decrease the coastal areas, as happened in Alaska (1899).
4 - may cause landslides also occurred in northern China in the years 1920 and 1927.
5 - arise earthquakes that occur in the bottom of the oceans waves winds occur destruction in coastal exposed.
6 - destroy earthquakes that occur in densely populated areas a lot of installations and have caused heavy loss of life.

Examples of devastating earthquakes:

In Portugal in 1755 : down the bottom of the sea near Lisbon. Originated waves destroyed coastal installations:
In Peru in 1968 : killed 30,000 people in 1970: killed 35,000 people.
In Alaska in 1899: a rose incision by 12 m .
In Japan in 1960: high and low occurred in Bay Sajami. Killed 200,000 people .
In Turkey in 1970: 50,000 people killed, and the recent earthquake in 1999, killing about 40,000 people.

Geographical distribution of earthquakes:

Although the seismic common phenomenon all over the earth, but what happens to everybody is concentrated in certain areas, most of which are located within the three great bands are:

1 - Scope extends over the highlands chains that surround the coasts of the Pacific Ocean in South America, North America and Asia, and includes the islands and peninsulas surrounding those coasts.
2 - Scope extends over the coast of the Mediterranean Sea and includes the Alps and the Caucasus.
3 - Scope of includes grooves eastern area of ​​Africa and southwest Asia, is associated with the earthquake in this range the existence of great African refraction.

Earth's response to seismic waves:

When emitted internal shocks from the center of the earthquake from which energy lead to the formation of strong vibrations in the rock which apply to a violent form of waves at the epicenter of the earthquake and weaken the greater him. The special registration of such devices waves of different strengths and unique.

There are three types of these waves:

1 - initial waves:
It is the first up of waves to monitoring devices because it is fast it penetrates the ground in all directions.
2 - secondary waves:
It is the second up from the waves to the monitoring devices because slower than the initial waves.
3 - long waves:
The course is limited to the upper portions of the earth's crust.

Soil contamination

Posted by الساهر 0 comments
Soil contamination


  Soil contamination and mismanagement

The most important environmental problems that affect the soil:

  1. Desertification
  2. High salinity
  3. Cliffs soil
  4. Build factories and houses
  5. Blaze a trail

First: soil contamination
Defined: to change the properties of the soil physical, chemical and biological by adding materials to or removing materials.

 Most soil contaminants:
 Soil is exposed to multiple pollutants come from human activities, notably:
Fertilizers (fertilizer): where lead misuse to change the chemical properties of the soil, which losing Atzanha.
Pesticides: such as fungicides, insects, weeds and rodents as well as smokers and all of which are used in spray plants or placed above the soil surface, or inside, as it enters the components of the soil and move to other places mediated by water or air and mostly associated with soil particles. The observed increase in its concentration in the upper class, as part of it enters the food chain.

  Causes: the use of water containing a high percentage of salts to irrigate crops.
          The use of chemical fertilizers.
 Impact: Do not allow only a small number of plants in the living lead to reduced vegetation. Increased soil erosion.

Second: poor soil management
 Is a set of factors such as:
Construction of roads at the expense of agricultural soils.
Use one crop to the soil.